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Before the session we will go over your color schemes and exactly what type of session you would like. I provide everything for the session but if you have a special item or keepsake you'd like incorporated, we can certainly do that. 


Babies settle in for their sessions much easier and faster on a full belly. So when arriving to the studio, I will ask that you feed or nurse the baby just before beginning our session. You may need to feed several more times during the session, especially if they are cluster feeding, and that is perfectly fine. Other then giving me an occasional hand if needed, you get to sit back, relax and enjoy the complimentary beverage and snack bar. I keep the studio on the cool side with a small heater on baby.


I ask that you do not bring any other children to the session unless they will be photographed. I have one large studio room and no separate waiting area, so sound travels quite a bit in here.


I ask that while in the studio you do not take any cell phone photos or videos. After all that's what your paying me for!






Keep in mind your child's nap times and temperament when scheduling. Early morning or late afternoon? I will work around whatever time works best for you and your little ones. Please make sure they are well feed and rested for our session. I provide treats (bribes,lol) when permitted. I will have a few snacks on hand if needed though, like gummies, crackers, etc...


Please also let me know ahead of time of any allergies, behavior issues, difficulties or any quirks that will help me in making our session fun, safe and enjoyable for everyone.














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